After Graduation
Being educated person is might help us to be open minded person because while we are in collage we will interact with different kind of peoples. On this days getting college degree and getting job is very challenging. Most of the time companies are looking for cheaper labor and experience, if the company couldn't hire the new graduated employee there is no way we could get any experience. of course there are some jobs that require a college degree like nursing, but most of them are that we can in to it with some experience with out college degree. yes, college degrees are important and valuable in different ways, which is as i mention on the above to be open minded, to make decision being educated might make us learn a lot while we were at college. Sometimes college degrees are depending on the market, if we know what the market will be after we graduate that will be great to follow the steps, but the reality is not like that today is different than tomorrow, we graduated with something, but the market might need another thing. In general the market is not fair to change more frequently, and what they looking for is experience. there are some professions that they are seeking for experience instead of teaching to the new employees. Or they will hire with the minimum wage, and the struggling with money will be continue instead of dream job and life."
If you think of college as opening doors after graduation, the debt closes those doors. Because you can only go after jobs that can service the debt which takes out about half the jobs that you could be getting… Because you won’t earn enough to pay back the loans each month. You won't earn enough, for example, to live in a city" College degrees are great, but it depends on the profession and the luck. it is not guaranteed to live better life after graduation.

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